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As a seller or advertiser on Barnnova, it is your responsibility to comply with all laws, regulations, and Barnnova policies when listing and describing your products. Selling privileges may be restricted or removed if a seller’s account health does not meet our performance metrics and policies. Learn more>
If you supply goods on Barnnova, you should carefully review the Restricted Products Help pages listed below before listing a product. The examples provided in these Help pages are not exhaustive and are meant solely as informational guides. We encourage you to consult with your legal counsel if you have any questions about the laws and regulations concerning your products. Learn more>
We prioritize customer safety above all else in our Food Safety Investigation. Selling Partners are prohibited from listing products with safety issues. They are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards. According to Barnnova’s policy, we expect and require Selling Partners to provide us with safe foods. Learn more>
Customer safety is of paramount importance to Barnnova. We strive to ensure that customers can confidently find a comprehensive selection of relevant products from sellers, without concerns about product safety, quality, or reliability. We also aim to ensure that each qualified seller can offer the appropriate products for sale with real-time approval to sell.
As a Vendor seller, it is crucial to understand and comply with Barnnova’s guidelines and policies on product safety and compliance. Adhering to these guidelines can enhance your success as a Vendor seller and help you avoid practices that could lead to blocked listings or prevent you from selling on Barnnova.
To learn more about the consequences of violations, please visit Listing Restrictions.
At Barnnova, we prioritize the safety of the products offered on our platform to ensure they do not pose a risk of death, personal injury, or property damage. Listings of products that have been recalled by the manufacturer or a government agency are strictly prohibited. We also reserve the right to consider recalls made by government agencies from other countries.
Customers trust that they can always buy with confidence on Barnnova. As a vendor, the products you offer must comply with your Vendor Seller Agreement, all applicable Barnnova policies, and all relevant laws and regulations. Adhering to these requirements will enhance your success as a vendor and help you avoid practices that could lead to blocked listings or prevent you from selling on Fashionbarnshop.
Certain products sold on Barnnova must meet specified certification standards according to our policies. Before submitting these products for sale, ensure you read and understand all the requirements and guidance. Follow the application instructions provided on the product page to sell these items on Barnnova.
For more information on the requirements for different product types, please visit our Product Safety and Compliance.
There are additional restrictions for selling in certain categories. For more details, refer to Vendor Selling Restrictions on Safety Risk Products.
Add Any content hereAt Barnnova, we prioritize customer trust, ensuring they can always shop with confidence. All products listed for sale on Barnnova must adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and Barnnova’s policies. The sale of illegal, unsafe, or restricted products, including prescription-only items, is strictly prohibited.
If you are a supplier on Barnnova, please thoroughly review the Restricted Products Help pages provided below before listing any product. The examples in these Help pages are not exhaustive and serve only as a guide. We recommend consulting with legal counsel if you have questions about the laws and regulations relevant to your products. Even if a product is listed as an “Example of Permitted Listings,” it must still comply with all applicable laws. Any links provided are for informational purposes only, and Barnnova does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in these links.
Supplying products in violation of the law or Barnnova’s policies, as outlined on the Restricted Products pages, will result in corrective actions. These actions may include, but are not limited to, the immediate suspension or termination of selling privileges, destruction of inventory in our fulfillment centers without reimbursement, return of inventory, termination of the business relationship, and permanent withholding of payments. The sale of illegal or unsafe products may also lead to legal action, including civil and criminal penalties.
We continuously innovate on behalf of our customers, collaborating with regulators, third-party experts, vendors, and sellers to enhance our detection and prevention of illegal and unsafe products on our marketplace. Barnnova encourages you to report any listings that violate our policies or applicable laws by contacting us. We will thoroughly investigate each report and take appropriate action.
Registration: You must be registered as a seller on the Professional Selling Plan.
Documentation: You must provide us with acceptable documentation (such as GFSI certification) and other requested information about the products you intend to sell.
Packaging: Refrigerated food, frozen food, and raw agricultural commodities must be fully enclosed and sealed in packaging suitable for shipping. The packaging must be designed to maintain safe product temperatures throughout delivery to the customer. Temperature thresholds are shown in the “Food-Temperature Details” table below.
Temperature Control: Food that is temperature-controlled for quality and performance must adhere to temperature requirements that meet quality and performance standards.
Shelf Life and Quality: Raw agricultural commodities without an expiration date must have acceptable remaining shelf life, meet quality standards for ripeness, and be free from mold, pests, and contamination.
In the United States, the term “organic” is regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Any product claiming to be “organic” or using the USDA organic seal must comply with USDA organic regulations.
To be sold as “organic” in the U.S., agricultural products—whether raw or processed—must be certified to USDA organic regulations or an equivalent international standard. These products must:
For more information on organic regulations and labeling, please visit the provided websites. These resources are for informational purposes only. Consult with legal counsel for questions about laws and regulations concerning your products.
Our policy for fresh produce
Sellers are required to submit documentation to fashionbarnshop through Azzule Systems, which reflects compliance with applicable regulations or standard requirements, including but not limited to the below:
Products | Regulation or standard requirements |
21 CFR 110 – Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food 21 CFR 112 Subpart M – Sprouts recognized audit schemes |
If you list products on Barnnova, you must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, standards, and our policies related to those products and product listings.
Dietary supplements covered by this policy
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the manufacturing, packaging, storing, and labeling of dietary supplements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and its subsequent amending statutes, including the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
The FDA defines a dietary ingredient as a vitamin, mineral, herb or other botanical, amino acid, or dietary substance for use to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake, or a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of the preceding substances intended for human consumption. Dietary supplements come in different forms such as powders, pills, capsules, liquid drops, and oral sprays. They include but are not limited to categories such as vitamins and minerals and herbs and botanicals; and can be marketed for functions such as sexual enhancement, weight management, bodybuilding and sports nutrition.
Dietary supplements must not make disease claims or contain undeclared drug ingredients or articles that are approved as new drugs.
Food safety investigation policy
We prioritize customer safety first and foremost in our Food Safety Investigation. We do not allow Selling Partners to list products with safety issues. Selling Partners are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards/practices. We expect and require, as per Barnnova’s policy, that Selling Partners supply us with safe foods.
Food safety investigation
Food safety investigation is a series of activities we undertake to protect our customer safety. Such food safety investigations may arise because of an injury/illness, allergic reaction, misleading/mislabeling, product tampering, or pest infestation. In order to prevent or minimize the spread of safety risks, we may temporarily suspend your products from selling on our store during the food safety investigation.
What happens when I do not follow food safety investigation policy?
The privilege of selling products at Barnnova may be suspended, if any of the following occurs:
If you list products on Barnnova, you must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, standards, and our policies related to those products and product listings.
Mad honey covered by this policy
Mad honey, also known as “deli bal” or “grayanotoxin honey,” is a type of honey that is produced by bees from the nectar of certain rhododendron and azalea flowers. Mad honey is different from normal natural or commercially available honey as it is contaminated with grayanotoxins, which leads to intoxication or poisoning upon consumption.
Our policy for mad honey
Customers have to be confident that they’ll find a selection of safe, reliable, and compliant products on Fashionbarnshop. We don’t allow the listing or sale of non-compliant or prohibited products. In the interest of safety, mad honey is prohibited.
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