About GS1

Selling a product starts with a GS1 barcode number

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Selling a product starts with a GS1 barcode number


The sound of a beep at the checkout counter signifies the impact of the GS1 barcode, which launched a digital revolution that forever changed global business. With a simple scan, a product can be identified and connected to a computerized system.

Companies of all sizes need barcode numbers to correctly identify and sell their products in stores or online. The data captured through barcodes is powerful, helping to solve large and complex industry challenges.

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Bridging the physical and digital worlds to improve consumer experiences and patient safety

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Consumers, patients, business partners, and regulators are demanding more and better product data than ever before. However, complex and costly data exchange processes are resulting in a surge of low-quality data.

GS1 empowers digital transformation by enabling businesses to create a digital version of a product that matches the quality of the physical one. Ultimately, this increases product transparency and provides seamless experiences for consumers and patients.


Making it possible to do business more efficiently and safely

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GS1 standards are the most widely used system of standards globally. By enabling the sharing of trusted quality data, they reveal the story behind products—where they originated, what they contain, and where they have been during their supply-chain journey. This reduces friction between business partners and enhances performance and safety across the entire supply chain.


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Bringing industry stakeholders together to move business forward

GS1 is a neutral, global collaboration platform that brings industry leaders, government, regulators, academia, and associations together to develop standards-based solutions to address the challenges of data exchange. Our scale and reach—local Member Organisations in 116 countries, over two million user companies and 10 billion transactions every day—helps ensure that there is a common language of business across the globe.

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